
as seen in

Rate calculator instructions:

The calculator is for a single piece of content, so if you have multiple posts/ deliverables you will have to do separate entries—multiply your rate accordingly.

Remember, this is JUST an estimate. If you're charging more than the calculator's output, great! Keep charging more!

You'll get 2 outputs:
  • Starting Post Rate—Treat this like the BARE MINIMUM you should be charging
  • Campaign Rate—What you should be charging based on what a brand is asking for
Number of Instagram Followers

1% to 5% of Your Audience
Think about your experience, engagement rate, and the deliverables

# of Months for Exclusivity

Monthly Income Loss from Exclusivity
Monthly Income Loss from Exclusivity Estimating is fine

Whitelisting Boost Fee
Charge an additional % fee for a brand whitelisting your content

# of Months Boosted

# of Months Licensed

Hourly Rate
Enter an hourly rate for your services

Number of Hours to Complete Campaign
How long will it take to complete the campaign?

Rush Fee
Does the brand need a quick turnaround?

Consider the cost of props, gas, assistants, etc.

Optional High Demand Premium
Charge a premium for being in high demand

By entering your email above, you agree to receiving weekly emails from me to help you grow your influencer biz. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policy.

Burrito obsessed, Enneagram 3, Chronic Overachiever, Frequent flYer.

Hi I’m Dani! Influencer Coach & Travel Blogger.

I was fired from my 9 to 5 and turned that loss into my dream job as a lifestyle content creator so I could live freely! Now I offer Influencer coaching too. Started from the bottom now we here, amirite? See how I did it!



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