CEO support from an experienced influencer.

Letting someone into the influencer business you've built with hard work and passion is no small step. Finding someone who truly gets the creator life? Even harder. Don't even get me started on TRAINING people. But, after 7+ years as a creator myself, I understand. I'm here not just to help, but to be the partner who cares about your business as much as you do.

You don't have to do it alone.

If you want to spend more time creating and less time training someone to help, let's talk.

My goal is to make your life easier. When you decide to bring me on your team, you're bringing me on as a PARTNER. Yes, I'm there to take the load off, but I'm also there to hold you accountable and bounce ideas of off so you feel fully supported by someone who knows this industry.

This      for you if:

You're landing brand deals consistently but find negotiating contracts time consuming and draining.

You're a new creator and haven't monetized yet. Try my free resources instead!

Influencing is a full-time or part-time gig for you but you feel stuck after DIYing for so long. You need to outsource so you have time to work on new projects and actually create content.

You're making some money, but it's not consistent. Your inbox is feeling dry. Take my influencer course instead. Click here!

It's probably        for you if...

You don't have much of a growth strategy. If you're not sure how to grow your audience or haven't set specific goals for your influencer career, it might be too soon for outsourcing and management. 



How it works

Clarity call

I want to get to know you and your business! And I also want you to feel 100% that I'm the right VA for you. We'll get that sorted on our call.

pick your service

I offer two different service packages (packages start at $1,100 per month). Once you pick the one you need, we can get started! 


We'll get our biz relationship going with a kickoff call to make sure I can jump in and hit the ground running.

see pricing

My expertise

Blog assistance

Have SEO-optimized blogs written and uploaded to your site.

talent management

Brand collaboration negotiation and pitch assistance.

social media help

Community management, content repurposing and more.

Affiliate strategy

Maximizing affiliate partnership opportunities.

Launch & email support

Think freebies, funnels, and digital product launch straetgy.

Here are some of the things I can take off your plate. My support packages start at $1,100. Ready to see what those look like? Click here to download my Services Guide!

see pricing

i can help because i've been there

send the bat signal

As a full-time creator of 7 years, I know how it feels to do it all alone.

And it's exhausting. You have a gazillion ideas and no way to grow extra arms to help execute on them. I get it! Sometimes all we need is someone we can trust with our business... someone that will care about it as much as us...

My background as an influencer gives me the ability to be that person for you. I've worked with large name brands (Adobe, Mazda, American Express), grown my following to 230k+, launched my own courses, coached fellow creators (who are now my clients, BTW) on how to build absolute empires out of their influence...

and I'm ready to help you stop working in your business so you can completely own that CEO title you deserve. 

"We successfully pitched multi 5-figure contracts and learned how to actually sell ourselves.

Because of this course, we've been able to make half our old salaries with one gig. Dani has been an amazing coach and has answered all of our questions, and we love that we have a little community to support each other. We refer back to her teachings so much and it’s very valuable especially for the legal/negotiation side of things. Would recommend it to anyone!” 

this could be you!

Giselle & Stephen Earned a 6-figure salarly & ditched their 9 to 5's

"#Sponsored Bootcamp helped me obtain long term relationships with my dream brands!

I struggled with pitching brands and knowing how much to charge. I used to be all over the place when it came to working with companies but now I know how much I am worth.  Now I’m excited and feel confident with my pricing and how to talk to brands. This course is great for anyone trying to be a full time content creator!"


"I've taken a few courses before and #SB's info on working with brands is unmatched.

Dani's guidance played a huge role in enabling me to become a full-time content creator. I love the real-life examples she gives on negotiating with brands. The way she breaks it down is so easy to understand for someone who doesn't have a marketing background."

Maddy left her accounting job and landed her first paying deal with less than 5k followers

Student case studies


Download my services guide!

When you download my free services guide, I'll walk you through my popular packages, pricing, what to expect when you book me, and next steps!

download now